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100 Most Common U.S. Surnames Знаменитые тезки / Имена / Отчества / Имя-отчество / Гороскопы / Тесты/ Приметы / Имена - главная

100 Most Common U.S. Surnames

100 самых распространённых фамилий США


Williams, Smith, Johnson, Jones, Brown... Are you one of the millions of Americans[ru] sporting one of these top 100 common last names from the 1990 census? If so, then you'll want to check out our list of the most commonly occurring United States of America surnames, including details on each name's origin, meaning, and alternate spellings. Plus, links to genealogy resources and family trees for each surname, and search techniques for correctly identifying ancestors with common last names.

Rank U.S. surnames Population

1 Smith
2 Johnson
3 Williams
4 Jones
5 Brown
6 Davis
7 Miller
8 Wilson
9 Moore
10 Taylor
11 Anderson
12 Thomas
13 Jackson
14 White
15 Harris
16 Martin
17 Thompson
18 Garcia
19 Martinez
20 Robinson
21 Clark
22 Rodriguez
23 Lewis
24 Lee
25 Walker
26 Hall
27 Allen
28 Young
29 Hernandez
30 King
31 Wright
32 Lopez
33 Hill
34 Scott
35 Green
36 Adams
37 Baker
38 Gonzalez
39 Nelson

40 Carter
41 Mitchell
42 Perez
43 Roberts
44 Turner
45 Phillips
46 Campbell
47 Parker
48 Evans
49 Edwards
50 Collins
51 Stewart
52 Sanchez
53 Morris
54 Rogers
55 Reed
56 Cook
57 Morgan
58 Bell
59 Murphy
60 Bailey
61 Rivera
62 Cooper
63 Richardson
64 Cox
65 Howard
66 Ward
67 Torres
68 Peterson
69 Gray
70 Ramirez
71 James
72 Watson
73 Brooks
74 Kelly
75 Sanders
76 Price
77 Bennett
78 Wood
79 Barnes
80 Ross
81 Henderson
82 Coleman
83 Jenkins
84 Perry
85 Powell
86 Long
87 Patterson
88 Hughes
89 Flores

90 Washington
91 Butler
92 Simmons
93 Foster
94 Gonzales
95 Bryant
96 Alexander
97 Russell
98 Griffin
99 Diaz
100 Hayes

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