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The lyrics, the words «We, friends, migratory birds»

The song "Migratory birds" on the words of Alexey Fatyanov, music by Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy. (Original article in Russian[ru] language — «Мы, друзья, перелётные птицы»)

The song is also found under other titles: "Pilots", "Because we are pilots", etc.

Combat aircraft

We, my friends, migratory birds,
Just our way of life one is not good:
On the ground[ru], do not have time to get married,
And the sky will not find a wife!

Therefore, because we are pilots
The sky is our sky, our dear home.
First of all, first of all — airplanes!
Well, girls, and girls — and then!
First of all, first of all — airplanes!
Well, girls, and girls — and then!

Gentle way in the soul you're gay,
Want to give heart forever.
Today you will meet, see, admire,
And the next day the order to fly...

Therefore, because we are pilots
The sky is our sky, our dear home.
First of all, first of all — airplanes!
Well, girls, and girls — and then!
First of all, first of all — airplanes!
Well, girls, and girls — and then!

That with anguish in a way not to meet,
Remembering about the affectionate glance
We decided, my friends, do not fall in love[ru]
Even in the most beautiful girls.

Therefore, because we are pilots
The sky is our sky, our dear home.
First of all, first of all — airplanes!
Well, girls, and girls — and then!
First of all, first of all — airplanes!
Well, girls, and girls — and then!

To listen to the song "Migratory birds" and sing karaoke (sing Kryuchkov, Merkuryev, Neshchiplenko):

Notes of the song «We, friends, migratory birds»

Ноты песни «Мы, друзья, перелётные птицы»

About the song's authors:

Alexey Ivanovich Fatyanov (March 5, 1919, Maloye Petrino, vyaznikovsky uyezd, Vladimir province, RSFSR — November 13, 1959, Moscow) — was a Soviet Russian poet, the author of many popular songs in the 1940s and 1970s (to the music of Boris Mokrousov, Matvey Blanter and other composers)

Vasily Pavlovich Solovyov-Sedoy (real suname Solovyov) (April 25 (April 12, old style) 1907, Saint Petersburg — December 2, 1979, ibid.) — was a Soviet composer, people's artist of the USSR[ru] (1967), Hero of Socialist Labor (1975). Ballet "Taras Bulba" (1940, 2nd edition 1955), operettas "The most cherished" (1951), songs "Evening on the roadstead" (1941), "Nightingales" (1944), "Moscow nights" (1956), "If the guys of the whole earth" (1957), etc. Lenin prize (1959), state prize of the USSR (1943, 1947).

About the song's performers:

Vasily Vasilyevich Merkuryev (April 6 (March 24, old style), 1904, Ostrov (Pskov province) — May 12, 1978, Leningrad) was a Soviet theater and film actor, theater Director, and teacher. Honored artist of the RSFSR (January 11, 1947). People's artist of the RSFSR (July 13, 1955). People's artist of the USSR (October 17, 1960). Winner of three Stalin prizes of the second degree (1947, 1949, 1952).

Vasily Dmitriyevich Neshchiplenko (February 13 (January 31, old style), 1907, Verkhnyye Chebuly village, Tomsk province, Russian Empire (now Kemerovo region) — April 23, 1975, Moscow) was a Soviet theater and film actor. Winner of the Stalin prize of the second degree (1949). In 1948-1953 — the Maly drama theatre named after K. S. Stanislavsky. In 1953-1967, he worked at the Mosfilm film Studio.

Nikolai Afanasyevich Kryuchkov (January 6, 1912, Pokrovsky barracks on Krasnaya Presnya — April 13, 1994, Moscow) was a Russian film actor, people's artist of the USSR (1965), and Hero of Socialist Labor (1980). He appeared in the films: "outskirts" (1933), "tractor Drivers" (1939)," the Guy from our city "(1942)," court "(1942)," Especially important task " (1979), and other State[ru] prize of the USSR (1941). Nika-90 award in the category "Honor and dignity"

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