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Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin — biography

Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin

Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin (original article in Russian — Иван Яковлевич Билибин) — Russian[ru] painter, graphic artist, stage designer, a member of the "World of Art", by illustrations of Russian fairy tales and epics in the graphic arts and ornamental manner, based on the styling of the motives of Russian folk and medieval art, one of the greatest masters of the national-romantic movement in the Russian version of Art Nouveau. Zodiac Leo.

Ivan Bilibin was born on August 16 (August 4, Old Style), 1876, in Tarkhovka, near St. Petersburg. Coming from an old merchant family. He studied in the studio of Anton Azbe in Munich (1898), as well as in-school workshop of Princess Mary Klavdievny TenishevaIlya Repin (1898-1900). Lived in St. Petersburg, was an active member of the "World of Art". Crucial for the formation of his talent had taken on the instructions of the ethnographic department of the Russian Museum travel to the northern provinces (1902-1904), the study of the monuments of Gdańsk architecture and decorative arts. Summed up his impressions, not only in the images, but in a number of articles ("Folk Art of the Russian North", 1904, and others). Also experienced a great influence of Japanese woodcuts (woodcut).

Illustrating with 1899 tales and epics ("Vasilisa the Beautiful", "My sister and brother Ivan Alenka", "Finist the Bright Falcon" and others, Pushkin's tale of Tsar Saltan and Golden Cockerel), Ivan Bilibin created in the technique of drawing with ink, watercolor podtsvechennogo, his "Bilibinsky style" book design, based on the motives of folk embroidery, popular prints, wood carvings, ancient miniatures.

These graphic cycles, its impressive ornamental richness, is still very popular among kids and adults because of the numerous reissues. The same national-romantic mood (he considered himself a master of it to the "artists-nationalists") dominates in its set design, which he has successfully dealt with in 1904, working in anterprize Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev, the Moscow Opera SI Zimin.

Bilibinskii "gingerbread" of the kingdom, however, is really romantic - in the sense that it was a surreal, imbued with sly irony, deprived of any apologetics. Adhering to the anti-monarchist, liberal views, the artist willingly took part in the satirical magazine "bogey" and "Hell-mail," which appeared in the First Russian Revolution of 1905. His political grotesques are distinguished by their wicked sarcasm, merciless to the existing system. This, in particular, a caricature of Nicholas II («Donkey in the twentieth natural size", 1906), for which he was subjected to a brief administrative detention.

When the revolution was accomplished, Ivan Bilibin at first did not accept it: have agitpropagande Denikin's government, in 1920, was evacuated, along with the White Army from Novorossiysk, lived in Cairo and Alexandria, and then, in 1925, he moved to Paris. He continued to work actively in book art and set design, created a lot of colorful panels to decorate private homes and restaurants. His decorative style - patterned, exotic shots - became a kind of standard "style russe", ie "Russian style" abroad, fueling the nostalgic memories. He has designed a number of Orthodox churches in Egypt and Czechoslovakia.

When the revolution was accomplished, Ivan Bilibin at first did not accept it: participated in the agitation propaganda Denikin's government, in 1920, was evacuated, along with the White Army from Novorossiysk, lived in Cairo and Alexandria, and then, in 1925, he moved to Paris. He continued to work actively in book art and set design, created a lot of colorful panels to decorate private homes and restaurants. His decorative style - patterned, exotic shots - became a kind of standard "style russe", ie "Russian style" abroad, fueling the nostalgic memories. He has designed a number of Orthodox churches in Egypt and Czechoslovakia.

"National-Bolshevik" shift in policy, the spread of the ideas of "Soviet patriotism", typical of the Stalinist era, helped to return to their homeland Bilibin. Decorating the Soviet Embassy in Paris monumental patriotic panel "Mikula Selyaninovich" (1935-1936), he again settled in Leningrad. In the last decade of his life he taught at the Russian Academy of Arts, is still acting in the role of book and theater artist: the newly designed "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" (an opera by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov at the State[ru] Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after Sergei Kirov, 1936-1937, and as a book by Alexander Pushkin, published in the same period in Gosselies).

Sergei Eisenstein planned to bring Ivan Jakovljevic like the artist to work on the film "Ivan the Terrible", but the death Bilibina in besieged Leningrad were not allowed to carry out this idea.

Creativity Ivan Bilibin

Theater and decorative art

Panels and murals

Book graphics

Ivan Bilibin death[ru] on February 7, 1942 in Leningrad.

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